We have a goal of moving to a new home in a different town in 2 1/2 years when my daughter will be entering middle school and are seeking advice on what our priorities should be.
Currently live in own home with some equity built up, 2 stable incomes, saving for retirement at recommended amount, have a 6 month emergency fund saved, saving for kids college. We are fortunate enough to have money left over each month after bills and all of the above is funded.
Which of the following would you recommend? Aggressively save for a down payment for new home which will cost much more than current house? Or put all extra funds towards student loan and car payment which could be paid off in about 2 years if we do that to free up monthly income to afford a higher payment on new more expensive house?
Thanks for any insight.
Submitted January 04, 2018 at 10:03AM by limitedftogive http://ift.tt/2CB6iS2