I'm not sure what I'm looking for besides fairly large dimensions, I've started seriously camping again and in true Boy Scout nostalgia style I busted out the old chuck box, rope, tarp, poles and stakes and got my rain fly up like I had done probably hundreds of times back in the day...
What occurs to me now, as I think about how the cheap tarp I hadn't used in nearly five years has covered the rest of my gear in these little flakes of plastic(?), That I need some new gear. I'm an adult, I can buy nice things, And I had such a wonderful time camping again that I'm going to make it a regular thing.
What I humbly request from this most wonderful of subs is suggestions on general camping gear, I'm normally going ot be camping with two to four other people and we're all really happy with our personal gear, what I'm looking for suggestionwise is for general use, or community gear. I've got some great nylon rope, and a solid craftsman hatchet that only needs a new edge, but all other gear good for group camping is welcome.
Just a few things I know there has to be a better option for are...
A tarp - I'm really looking to stop the "crinkle" so I think I want a canvas or waxed canvas one, I need as close to a 20 x 20 as possible for our camp set-up)
Water Cooler/Jug - We used an old gatorade water dispenser, worked, but kind of big/bulky. Is there a better insulated version of a Platypus?)
Camp Chair - My old folding chair has gone with me to ACL enough times to earn a retirement + I ripped the cup holder being too drunk)
Knives - I know this gets asked a lot on this sub, and I have a leatherman and a full tang survival knife from BUDK Catalog I was young and... forgivemeplease But IDK what it's made from and I'll use, but I don't trust it to last
These are just a few things I felt I needed to replace, but I'm open to any and all other suggestions
Submitted January 09, 2018 at 11:28PM by one_of_two_people http://ift.tt/2CUMtpI