Please help. I have gone from one software to another, sheet after sheet. All the recommendations, Mint/ynab, etc. and every single one of them seems to work backwards from how I think, or I can't get it to work for me. All of them seem to want me to decide what my budget is for things before I get a grip on what I even have available to me. What I am looking for is something I can define all the "knowns" first. All the reoccurring bills and what dates they hit, all the reoccurring incomes and the dates they hit. Once all the "knowns" are in, I can then see how much money is available day to day, week to week for everything else. Then I can prioritize and know what I can spend where for 'needs' such as gas, groceries, etc, then 'wants' and so forth. Every single thing I have tried is either difficult to impossible to put the 'knowns' in. It either lumps it all together as they all happen in a month period or worries about projected vs. actual. I want to be able to put in my Car insurance is 99.95 and is auto drafted on the 8th every month. My Waste collection bill is $75 and is drafted automatically every quarter, my paycheck is $x and is direct deposited every 1st and 15th, and once all that is in look at any particular day and see what I have available for that pay period/week/whatever. Is there anything like that, am I just not "getting" some of the other software out there? Any advice and help would be appreciated because I am trying really hard to get hold of my finances I just keep running into issues trying to find and use a tool to help. There is a large set of "knowns" I should have to only enter once and enter first before anything else, bills plus income, and once done I should be able to see day to day, week to week, month to month, whats "left over" to work with. Then I can add the soft values such as "$50" gas each week and see its effect on the "running" balances. Any help please?
Submitted January 31, 2018 at 09:19AM by SaltBed