So, I have never invested before. Years ago, I inherited a good chunk and seriously considered buying both Apple and Nintendo after reading all about "invest in what you know", but regrettably didn't pull the trigger. Fast forward a decade or more and I have saved up a good amount towards buying a home, and after reading all about the Disney/Fox news, as well as their upcoming streaming services, I'm very interested again and could probably justify up to $10k, hypothetically.
To me, it seems like a no-brainer. Disney is huge and only getting bigger. They already own properties like Marvel, Star Wars, all the Disney stuff obviously, ESPN, ABC and potentially Fox very soon. I imagine when their streaming service(s) launch, they will pull all of said content from their competitors, which is HUGE. There is already talk about them creating content like a Star Wars show, and I could imagine them increasing the Marvel universe, etc. for this outlet.
Am I missing something? Is now the best time or..? I saw elsewhere on here that Disney is down due to the rumors of this acquisition, which usually happens to the company buying.
Any thoughts are appreciated. I should say I'm new to investing but, I'm 37, have a good job (just live in an expensive city) and would be more than willing to leave my investment for the several years or more that it would take for all of this to come to fruition.
*Hopefully I didn't break any rules with my post. I am not asking for advice on whether I should buy or not, just curious if my thinking is correct or if there's more to this than what's surface level. Thanks.
Submitted December 12, 2017 at 05:44PM by jeddrockwell