I have a hobby of aviation and finding cheap airfare. I have nothing to do today so I thought I rather than just looking at random flights I could do something fun and pay something forward. Give me your flights in something like this format the more specific the better.
I did this about a month ago but was not able to get to everyone because I am a college student and had midterms/interviews. If I did not get to you I am sorry you can repost and I will try to get to you.
NOTE I'm american so all prices USD. I did this last week. If you did not get a message I may have accidentally missed it or there was not enough info. Please repost :).
- Origin: ex. NYC (JFK, EWR, LGA)
- DEST: ex. Miami/FLL
- Dates: ex. 8/4-8/8 (If you say August please say 8/1-8/31 departure. Thanks.)
- LENGTH: ex. 4 days (If you say 1 week please say 7 days or 7-8 days ect.)
- Other: ex No Layovers over 4 hours
- Expected Budget: ~$120 (Just want to see if I can get below this goal) PLEASE be as specific as possible.
November 09, 2017 at 02:16PM