We have 4 kids that are used to us splurging on them when we can, especially over the holidays. This is one of the main areas that we haven't been very frugal. We try to keep the gifts practical, but they are used to getting pretty nice gifts.
This year the older ones are expecting laptops to help with their college assignments. Neither can afford to buy them on their own and currently they have to go to the school to do their assignments. This is especially tough for one that has a young child and has to work around public transportation & daycare hours.
Our younger ones don't have gifts in mind, but it's been assumed that we'll spend relatively the same amount on each kid or they get jealous and feel that we're playing favorites. So, the dilemma is that we had some unexpected expenses (Medical bills & Property Tax increase) come up this week that are going to last for the near future.
I really don't see how we can spend more than $100 per kid which isn't enough to get the the items that they need/want. We've tried to explain the situation to them, but they don't seem to believe us and you can tell that they're still expecting a big surprise to be waiting under the tree. Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation so that Christmas isn't ruined with disappointment?
I really don't want to give them all a $100 check as that seems pretty boring, but don't want to spend it on items that they don't need either. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
November 30, 2017 at 06:18PM