I was raised by guy who just kinda threw money at stocks and lost a ton on companies that never really panned out. Once I got out of college I decided I wanted a different approach than my dad had and started reading. Warren Buffett led to Benjamin Graham, who led to Seth Klarman, who led to Howard Marks, who led Joel Grenblatt. Value investing makes sense to me.
Even though I disagree with the ideas, I've read reasonable cases for Smart Beta, The Efficient Market Hypothesis, and The Modern Portfolio Theory.
What I can't find are books or white papers that advocate buying "Growth" companies. As much as I'd like to believe the people buying Tesla, Amazon, Netflix, ect... are just idiots who are throwing their money away, I'm sure that there are books that make a case for the kind of investing where you are willing to pay high prices in return for the hope of explosive growth.
I'd really like to hear the other side of the argument, but can't really find any books that advocate "growth" investing in the way that it's practiced on Reddit. Can you guys help me out?
Submitted September 29, 2017 at 12:50PM by ShrugsforHugs http://ift.tt/2fETQHv