Please delete if this is not allowed but I need some advice.
Married with a 5 MO baby and 2 years into a mortgage in Vancouver, Canada.
I have a decent job in customer service but I'm burning out. 10 years in and I have been working 10 to 12 hours a day as the operations manager pulling in approx. $60k a year before taxes. I do everything from warehouse, deliveries, service dispatch, invoicing, payroll, HR, website management, sales and more to keep this company running in the black.
The owners are great with providing me a vehicle, gas card and the occasional trip on their rewards points. They have set $100k as a goal for my salary but I don't know if I can make it when I see the commissioned sales staff make that and more by doing a tiny fraction of the work I have to do. The company could be running so much better by entering the 21st century but it's more accustomed to band aids like myself.
I guess I just need a kick of reality to all those who are dealing with similar situations out there:
Do I switch careers? I love writing content, photoshopping and video/music production with no accreditation. Do I even bother going back to school at this point? Maybe for coding, software engineering or even try breaking in to voice over work.
Do I just stick with it? Make the changes in the company that I want to see while taking the steady increases. Is the increase to $100k even a good thing with me getting taxed more the more I make? Make extra money on the side by freelancing my passions?
Thank you reddit, I'm open to the brutally honest.
Submitted August 22, 2017 at 12:49PM by d1201b