Tl;dr: Already knowing I was underpaid, and waiting for the opportunity to discuss a pay raise with my boss, I found out that a coworker in the same position with the same credentials is making almost twice what I make.
Story: I began working at a research facility last April as an administrative assistant making $11/hr. I was promoted to a position as a clinical research assistant in August of 2016 at $14/hr, with promise that in a year I would have the opportunity to move up into a research coordinator position, and receive a raise. Meanwhile, I received my bachelors degree in December 2016.
Fast forward to one year later. I have been given all of the responsibilities of not one, but two coordinators, as we are very understaffed. I am working overtime each week to tackle my work. I have yet to receive a raise. At my quarterly review two months ago, I was told that corporate was not approving any raises at this time, and that maybe after August or so (our highest revenue season) I can expect a pay raise. Still no title change to coordinator, despite having the work of a coordinator, and being referred to as one in all company communication.
So, yesterday my coworker confused in me that she makes $24/hr. She was hired 6 months after I was, and, like me, had relevant experience, but no coordinator experience. We both have bachelors degrees. We work the same position with the same job duties. I make $14/hr.
So, I guess the advice I am looking for is how to approach my boss about this outrageous difference in pay, and why I am not being fairly compensated. My boss is VERY big on not disclosing pay with fellow employees, and I understand this completely. However, I did not ask my coworker how much she makes, she simply told me. And now I cannot un-know.
I have never had to discuss wages with my employer, and this may not even be the best subreddit to ask for help on this in, but I will take all of the advice I can get.
Submitted August 12, 2017 at 09:42AM by kerica93