My husband was recently checking his CK app and found that a new debt had entered collections. This was after getting a voicemail this week saying the same thing. Since we knew we didn't have any unpaid debts, we ignored it.
They stated the provider name and my husband did have an MRI this spring from that provider so I think the charge may be legitimate, but we never received a bill. I literally pay every bill we get so I know we never received it.
Since it's now in collections, it's too late to contact the provider, right? It's for $65 so it's not a big deal to pay it, but I don't want this permanent mark on my husband's credit report. Before this, he was in the 750s.
What would be the best way to proceed? Should we return their call, ask them to stop calling, and have them send a validation notice? I've never had to deal with this before and I'm very upset that this could all happen without our knowledge.
Submitted August 14, 2017 at 07:32AM by irtriskit http://ift.tt/2uC2blJ