Current Job: I graduated college with a degree in computer science because I wanted to go into IT. IT was never a passion, but I knew there were a lot of jobs and a lot of money in it. I'm 2 years into it now and I'm realizing that I don't think I want to stay in IT my whole life. I'd much rather have a low-key job that, while it likely won't pay as well, I'll have more free time, less stress, and feel like I'm not part of the corporate rat race.
I actually worked for my township's road department one summer during college and it was my favorite job I've ever had. Most of it was park maintenance (cutting grass, picking up litter, painting, trimming bushes/hedges, etc), which I enjoyed because I loved that park, and I also did some road work and other maintenance things around town. Plus I was outside and the manual labor was good exercise. So I was working outside taking care of the town I grew up in and loved. It was simple, honest work that I found so satisfying because I was doing it all with my own hands, not through a computer.
I have a little more than $9000 left in school loans and once those are gone, that will be $650/month that has no designated purpose, so I have 2 choices:
Keep the job, enjoy the extra $650, and put some of it towards renting a house rather than an apartment with my girlfriend and dog.
Quit the job, taking something more low-key that will pay less but still allow me to sustain my current living situation.
I'm just trying to think of what my options could be for #2. Obviously I could work at a store. I could also go back into doing road and parks department stuff. I also like building things and aesthetic things, but I don't know much about carpentry or landscaping. I just don't know anything else that something with a CS degree could go into without much experience in anything but IT and some simple park maintenance.
Submitted July 04, 2017 at 07:53PM by The3Broomsticks