Hi everyone, I am a Canadian undergraduate student. I am in financial crisis and I need every piece of advice I can get. All of this has happened so fast and my mind is still blurry.
I am a victim of domestic abuse. My parents would beat me and verbally assault me for the smallest imperfections on a weekly to monthly basis, since I was in elementary school. My mother has years' history of bipolar disorder but she never took meds because my parents come from a culture where mental illness is stigmatized and they don't believe it is real. Yesterday, I was being held down on the sofa and beaten again. I cried "help" and my neighbours called the concierge for me. Although I was hesitant to stand up for myself in the past despite being 21, I decided that was the last straw and started packing to move out. My parents went hysterical and pulled out a knife and said they would kill me and chop me into pieces if I leave them and "escalate the situation and lose face for them." Although this isn't the first time I was threatened with a knife, I called the police for the first time and reported my situation while the concierge held them in place. They arrived, let me pack up, and escorted me to a friend's place. Their last words were that they would go to my workplace and school to make me pay for calling the cops and hurting their pride.
Clearly, it is unsafe for me to return home in the near future. Quite frankly, ever. However, I will need to finance my education, housing, and living on my own from now. I qualify for a lot of OSAP (I am in Ontario) but that won't cover the cost of housing in Toronto. I cannot afford to work a job next year since I already found a for-credit PI who requires me to go to lab 20 hours per week, and it is crucial for my medical school application. Banks most likely won't give me a loan because I have no money to start with aside from 4000 dollars in my account that can last me for a couple of months. I am going to the Registrar first thing on Monday, but I would appreciate any advice and tips on how I can get myself out of this situation and remain sane.
Thank you for reading this, whoever you are.
Submitted July 09, 2017 at 07:36PM by ilovebabyharpseals http://ift.tt/2tYcDTr