I'm new here, so I'm sorry if this question gets asked often. Also, I'm not in the USA, so anything North America specific might not apply. For instance, we don't really have gas lines in my country, so all heating is done with electric oil heaters, or portable gas bottles in gas heaters.
We're moving to a new place, first time we've decided on one where water and electricity is not being included in the rent. I want to keep the electricity bill as low as possible. We're not the sort of people to leave lights on in a room that we aren't in, and we use an induction plate instead of the stove, but there's a lot I'm sure we don't know.
1) People say we should turn our geyser off during the day, but thinking about how an urn uses less electricity than a kettle over the same number of cups, it seems a little counter-intuitive to make the geyser heat up in the evening. Does it really save electricity to turn it off? How can we best manage it? It's a big geyser.
2) Then apparently energy saving bulbs don't make a huge difference (still going to switch over, though, because I can't deal with the dim yellow lights), but that came from affluent family, so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.
3) The house is old, so it's big rooms, high ceilings, and harder to heat. What can we do to keep warmer cheaper?
4) What do we not know about frugal utilities?
June 03, 2017 at 05:36AM