Very short version of the story: my mother made a lot of mistakes raising me and owes me some money. As part of her healing process she believes that she needs to repay that debt and a little bit more for suffering. She does transactions only in cash and is deeply distrustful of both online environments as well as banks. I've been doing a little bit of research but I'd like some advice on what the best way to get the money to me is.
She absolutely will not budge on the use of a bank, And even if she would prior mistakes would prevent it. This money is completely legal obviously, but I don't want to Physically handle that amount for very long. she is willing to pay reasonable fees to avoid having to go through the bank.
on my end the best course of action would of course be to put that into my own bank account basically immediately. in looking I saw that my real only option seems to be money order mailed to my address or wire transfer via Western Union. It's there any other secure method I'm not thinking of?
Submitted June 15, 2017 at 11:28AM by PersonalThrowaway041