I have worked at this company for 4.5 years, and during that time we've changed our corporate CEO 3x, our US Manager 6x. In the US alone, we've collapsed from an organization of about 40 people to a sad 16. This year alone, I lost 2 coworkers to sudden death (not directly work related, but still an emotional drain). The environment here has been toxic. That said, out of the ashes, I've had the opportunity to "grow" and get promoted to a much higher position, though the pay is almost half of my predecessor. My small team has been very supportive, and I know they're depending on me to keep things a-float. Overall, my organization earns the revenue that makes it possible for our US division to break even, and we're just starting to gain momentum and turnaround.
However, every day I face an incompetent executive team that shows a complete lack of integrity. I see really shady business such as a departing GM promoting his fiance to take his place, driving business opportunities at a loss, but that coincidentally directly profits a side company he started. All of this is known to our CEO, but he accepts it anyways, as long as it brings in revenue. All the thinking is short term -will we hit our revenue numbers TODAY? who cares if it means we'll operate at a loss in a year, and almost guaranteed that we wont' be able to deliver on our promises. At worst we will get sued by the client by the end of the year (has happened in the past), or at best, we'll just have really dissatisfied clients who've wasted hundreds of thousands with us, and will do everything they can to ensure we have bad press. (Deservedly).
I'm finally saying "NO". Don't do this deal. It's a bad idea. Or, if you want to go to them with this deal, at least communicate the risks. Let them make the decision if they are willing to accept the risks. The response I get from sales in more or less words is that it would cause us to lose the deal and the company to fail.
It's a tad emotional - but there were some major last straws. We have 2 pending deals, one of which is pretty guaranteed to end in a lawsuit, and the other of which is a guaranteed loss by the end of the year (they acknowledge this, but still want to do it! I supported the "buy the brand" to keep us afloat, but not NOW, when we've finally plugged our losses and are able to break even. Now, every time they sell this, there's an opportunity cost to not being able to support profitable opportunities). There is absolutely NO integrity in these decisions, and I've escalated and voiced my objections to deaf ears. I've requested meetings with our CEO, and though he enthusiastically accepts, and expresses his concern, he rescheduled 3x and then eventually just ended up canceling, saying he'll just meet with the sales guys unilaterally without input from anyone else.
I'm exhausted. I've been working 60-80 hour weeks. I'm definitely in burn out mode and tired of trying to fight the good fight. I care about my team, but I'm mentally done.
My first concern is for my team. Every day, they're afraid the company will shut down the US operations if we don't break even. There are people here with families who depend on the income. If I leave, there's a major impact risk not just on myself, but on the team here - though I feel like it's the inevitable decision, and we're just staving it off for a few months. By the end of the year, this may all be moot.
That said - I also have financial constraints.
For the last year, I knew I wanted to leave. I made a few attempts at cleaning up my resume, sent it out - no bites. I even hired a professional to help me with my resume, and it turned out to be a complete waste of $.
I have $10K in liquid cash. I have $15K in credit card debt. I'll be on track to pay off by the end of the year if I stay in this job. I have $300K in a 401K.
My half of mortgage/utilities is $2200 a month. High cost of living area. My SO may be willing to cover that for a while, but I don't want to ask him to.
I support my elderly mother, which costs about $400 a month. My food and personal expenses cost about $300 a month.
Everything else I've poured into my CC debt to try to stabilize again, so I can pay it off by the end of the year.
My SO sees this pain every day. He doesn't want me to quit until I have a new job, because it's the fiscally responsible thing to do, but he agrees I need to get out of this company. It's wrecking my health and my sanity. That said, he's supportive enough and financially capable of covering us for an interim period. But he works hard, is financially responsible, and wants to get out of our place and move to a better home and start a life. My income is a big part of that, and I know I need to pull my weight. I've never in my adult life depended on someone else to take care of me. I've taken care of my parents since my first job. Job hunts here can take months, and it'll likely be at a pay cut, as I may not have this role in better companies.
So here I am. To quit, or not to quit?
Submitted May 11, 2017 at 12:23PM by AbsoloveLy http://ift.tt/2pCfuuY