I've hit my limit in my current career and looking for a dramatic change out of this field. Forgive me the title is a little misleading but that seems to be my current prospects at the moment.
I've averaged about 120k a year working 50 hours a week and now looking at positions around 18 dollars an hour. Reason is that I am looking at a possible career in aviation (which will take about 3 months to become a teacher, and another 18 to get into the airlines). Average salary for a instructors about 18 to 30k starting.
Prospects 10 years later will be around what I am making currently, 120k.
I have ZERO options regarding forward movement in my current career (narrow field, few options, top of field already).
Wife currently makes about 220k a year, and her prospects will be solid around that amount for the next 5 years or so.
We've spent like we were in congress over the past two years but were now above water.
Our home has a 300k mortgage (about 3500 a month payment). Were selling a 2nd home and said and done, should take home about 60k from that sale. We've done all repairs required on our current home. Our cars are paid for, no credit card debt or student debts. Credit ratings in the 800's.
My wife has a safety net of retirement money that is outside of any retirement account (she just saves) of around 250k. We also have a Efund at 30k.
Have a newborn child about 6 months old, were looking to have a second.
To go aviation, would cost about 70k to get all the certs needed to become a instructor earing about 25 to 30k until hours are achieved to join an airline making about 60 to 80k (3 year timeframe). I'm almost done with my PPL.
My thoughts are scattered fairly wildly due to my complete unhappiness with my current job. I am looking to leave that career no later than the end of July. My wife is supportive and has been helping me find new jobs but we've had no luck due to the scope of my work.
I could go down a retraining route for 6 months to earn some certifications to go down a profitable field but I don't believe I would enjoy that area my wife is thinking about (its similar to what I currently do).
What would I need to get prepared for taking that step out of a well paying job to start over?
(extra notes: I have term life, so does my wife. Wife employer does provide health insurance, baby is healthy).
Can I stick out the current job? No.
Submitted May 25, 2017 at 07:07PM by Jeordy-Laforge http://ift.tt/2r2DqvQ