We just returned from a vacation and I have an option for paying it off -- and this might be a no-brainer but I want to just run it by someone.
Last year I invested the money to pay for this trip through TIAA-CREF in an BALFX fund. But I have more than enough to cover the bill sitting in our plain jane BoA savings account (which I consider to be our "emergency money" account). Even if pay off the vacation balance from this account we'd still have >$10k in there.
I feel like I should just leave the money in the BALFX fund there because it has a MUCH higher return than the BoA savings, right? Is there ANY reason to leave the money in BoA savings?
The only rationale I have is that last summer we had enough in the BoA savings to upgrade our rewards credit cards to get more back (we put EVERYTHING on cards and pay the balance to zero every month to maximize rewards). Would lowering the savings balance after upgrading the cards have any negative consequences? Since we've already made the upgrade I wouldn't think so -- I don't think there was a stipulation about carrying a specific balance in the savings in order to maintain the upgrade.
Submitted May 22, 2017 at 10:31AM by ILMbred http://ift.tt/2rKX90f