Good morning, all.
This may be a dumb question, but I've tried using the witholding calculator on, and it's slightly confusing.... I am currently claiming 1 allowance on my W-4 (for myself) -- I'm single, no kids, not married, etc.
I'm wondering if I should claim 2 allowances?
Gross salary: 37,800
Deductions: 500/paycheck (roughly... it's just a tad over 500)
This year I got a refund of 900 (with student loan interest accounted for it gave me a little extra).
The thing is... I don't want a refund. I would like to see more money in my check every 2 weeks, but I also don't want to owe, either. Is this possible?
My AGI for last year was just a little over $30,000 after all the deductions and everything. I did get a bonus this year ($600), and my income has gone up a little bit (I'd say it's gone up 3%). I expect another raise in June or September. I work for the federal government, so it's pretty predictable. My salary should go up to 39,000 or so once I get my raise. I haven't checked in a while.
Submitted May 13, 2017 at 11:40AM by WordsVerbatim