I found the average holdings of the following famous portfolios:
Bernstein's No Brainer Portfolio
Ultimate Buy & Hold
Permanent Portfolio
Swedroe Minimize Fat Tails
Ivy Portfolio
Rick Ferri Core Four
Couch Potato Portfolio
All Seasons
Desert Portfolio
Coward's Portfolio
Vanguard LifeStrategy
Sharpe World Market Cap Portfolio
HOLDINGS | Averages | Rounded | Total Markets |
Total US | 20 | 20 | 37 |
Large cap US | 4 | 5 | _ |
Large cap value | 2 | _ | _ |
Small cap US | 4 | 5 | _ |
Small cap value | 3 | 5 | _ |
REIT | 5 | 5 | _ |
Total International | 10 | 10 | 15 |
Developed | 2 | _ | _ |
Emerging | 2 | _ | _ |
International small cap | 1 | _ | _ |
Total/Intermediate bond | 18 | 20 | 40 |
TIPS | 7 | 5 | _ |
ST Bond | 5 | 5 | _ |
LT Bond | 5 | 5 | _ |
Global Bonds | 4 | 5 | _ |
Alernatives/Commodities | 3 | 5 | 8 |
Cash | 2 | _ | _ |
Gold | 3 | 5 | _ |
In the end, the averages lead to a end result of 37/15/40/8 for US/Intl/Bond/Alt holdings. This is very similar to the 60/40 most portfolios recommend for best risk/return.
If you can't make up your mind about which investor's sage advice to follow, this could be a way to follow everyone's advice all at once!
Submitted May 29, 2017 at 07:20PM by 1noahone http://ift.tt/2sffBOR