Army O-3 here. I want make sure I am doing all I can to live a productive financial life while maintaining for the future. I make a bit north of $100K. After taxes and other things...take home is roughly $73K.
- $6.1K a month take home
- $600 a month goes to TSP (aggressive)
- $500 a month goes to VOO mutual fund
- $1K rent and utils
Anything extra goes into savings.
$4K savings account
$30K in mutual fund
$3000 CC debt
$12K Firearms
$3K car (Jeep WJ 165K miles. Can't kill)
Any ideas where I can adjust for maximum results? PCSing soon so trying to prepare for adjustment in salary.
Sell some guns? Probably...
Thanks, fellas.
Submitted May 22, 2017 at 06:50AM by farewellnadieu