So I've recently gotten rid of my Xbox One and WiiU. My Xbox One basically became a glorified DVD player after I played all the games I wanted to and my Skyriming slowed down. I still love Skyrim, but I wasn't getting as much out of it. For the WiiU, I had select games I wanted to play on it. I finished up the last one today (Breath of the Wild), and since it was the last game Nintendo is making for the WiiU, I decided to get rid of it as well.
Now I just have my 3DS for Pokémon, my GameCube for Smash Bros Melee and replaying other Zelda games I love (Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess), and my Mac Mini, which I emulate NES, SNES, and N64 games on via a bootcamped Windows boot.
The other day I started thinking about how Skyrim was that game that I went to when I was bored or just wanted to get away from the world. I also want to replay South Park: The Stick of Truth and eventually play the sequel, The Fractured But Whole (whenever that comes out). But my Mac Mini is by no means a gaming computer, so there's no way I could play Skyrim on it. So I thought "Hmm, maybe I should build an average spec gaming PC." I was all jazzed up, looking at parts and price comparing and everything.
Then I woke up today and thought "Wait a minute. I've put over 500 hours into Skyrim. What more am I getting out of it. I'll probably get bored in it. And when the next Elder Scrolls comes out, I'll likely need to upgrade the hardware anyway. And my Mac could still handle the South Park games since the graphics and CPU requires aren't anything near that of Skyrim. And I already emulate the older Nintendo games on it. You know what? I don't need to spend $1000 building a gaming PC. I have everything I need." Besides, The Stick of Truth actually felt more of a safe haven than Skyrim did.
I'm just proud of myself and wanted to share it among you other simple livers.
Submitted May 17, 2017 at 11:49PM by The3Broomsticks