Background: I am an engineer making 140K in the US and I've been offered an academic faculty position in New Zealand. I love NZ (spent 6 months there as an undergrad) and the academic post would let me work in a field I am passionate about. The catch is that the offer in NZ is a little more than 1/3 of my current income once converted to USD.
To make an educated decision, I need to make a realistic budget. To make a budget, I need detailed information on how my finances change as I move overseas. Here are some topics that I don't know enough about and worry might have big 'gotchas' if I take the job:
NZ taxes
US taxes on expats
US student loans (I still have ~100K in US student loans but they can go on income based repayments)
NZ moving costs and immigration fees
Does anyone have experience with this situation? Was there anything you know now that you had wish you had known then?
Submitted May 20, 2017 at 02:22PM by downvoteflypaper