Hello, pardon formatting I'm on mobile.
Some facts
1) I am 22 and I have no money
2) I finish my bachelor's in July (my last $2400 is going to pay for my last semester)
3) getting married in September, spouse will make +50k a year (he currently makes 53k I think)
4) I want to be totally independent of my parents because of how they treat me / have treated me. Almost considering total no contact with them.
5) I am in the USA, Illinois
My questions:
1) what do I need to get from them before I cut it off (this may not be the right sub to ask this particular question but well here we are)
2) should I open a credit card to build credit? With who? Do I just call and ask to set one up??
3) I am really bad at math but I need a budget. Any recommendations on something more visual than just spreadsheets?
4) liability or total coverage for car insurance?
5) how do I get onto my spouses health insurance? Is it legal to possibly have a 5 month gap of no insurance here in the USA? We won't be married until September but I'm not ruling out courthouse marriage to avoid AHCA fines for no insurance
6) my father says he wants me to take all his antique rifles as an inheritance but he may not want to after I end contact. How do I find out if he has a will?
7) when my dad dies, who gets his life insurance? My mother?
8) how do I get life insurance? Are there different types like there are car insurance?
I have a lot of questions and I'm sorry for asking so many. I'm just upset over a great many things and this is all I can think of presently.
Thank you for your help and advice.
Edited for formatting
Submitted May 28, 2017 at 02:28PM by _gina_marie_ http://ift.tt/2rahP2E