so i run a car club in Arizona with a few other admins (AZSupras) and it's recently gotten quite popular both from a member count and financial perspective and all the financials (paypal, bank accts, etc) are solely in my name. Which has worked fine in the past but I want to start offloading some of the responsibilities onto the other admins and alleviate some of the risk? on my part.
What are my options for how i can move the financials into all our names or into some sort of company? or non profit? for the club.
I don't really track expenses and income as its not really operated as a business right now. My concern with converting to a 501 is i'll have to track income/expenses at that point.
I have a paypal account, and a bank account through capital one 360 (used to be ing direct).
Submitted April 28, 2017 at 01:17PM by ndboost