To summarize my move briefly, in May my significant other and I will be moving to Houston, Texas. I drive a 2016 Honda Civic (excellent car, highly recommend it!) and she is driving a 2001 Acura CL Type S (hot car back in the day). The Acura is in great condition but sometimes turns off completely when driving. We intend to sell this car and buy her a CPO or new Honda SUV in Texas. My question to /r/frugal is to comment on the options we have come up with for moving ourselves down to Texas. The choices I have come up with so far are...
1) Keep both cars. We would drive to Texas in my Honda packed to the brim with what we need, and ship the Acura down packed with clothes. I don't know how expensive this would be. Then we would sell the Acura in Texas as hopefully part of a trade-in deal when buying the CPO/new car.
2)Sell the Acura in Jersey for around 3k (if we are lucky) And that means we would use either freight shipping or a U-Pack to ship what would have been in the Acura if we kept it. Then obviously buy the new car in Texas because I don't want to pay for registering in New Jersey when we will be leaving shortly.
We are not bringing much with us when we move besides a TV, computer, and our clothes so I do believed freighting anything we cannot fit in my car would be the cheapest options Vs using U-pack, Uhaul, etc.
Has anyone run into a similar situation or have advice into how we should/when sell the Acura?
March 14, 2017 at 02:02PM