Twice now my employer has removed hours after I submitted my timecard.
First time was when I was 3 months ago. When I was out of the country on PTO they left a voicemail that they cut my timecard by 10 hours on the previous weeks timecard , "because my productivity that week didn't reflect my time." I worked the hours. I spoke to my supervisor when I got back, explaining there was long in office meetings that week and she told me to add in "meeting time" to the week I was off on PTO. But that is fraud as I was being paid PTO for that time. I cannot charge the company twice for my time. The time was not recovered and that supervisor has since moved to another position.
Second time was today. Last week I had visits run long, events out of my control and in order to make all my visits for the day and make it back to the lab before the lab closed I was forced to not take a lunch. My supervisor went back and added in a lunch break. Even after I explained what happened, she stated that I didn't get approval prior to "skipping" my lunch and will not approve the missed lunch.
What do I do to rectify this?
Submitted February 13, 2017 at 03:42PM by c8h1On4Otwo