Over the past few years I started getting emails for a Capital One 360 account that does not belong to me. I know this because the emails contain the last four digits of the account, and none of my accounts end with the same last four digits.The account is not reflected on any of my credit reports or anywhere else. It just appears that someone else is using my email with their CO360 account.
The emails I receive appear to be legitimate. They contain https links to the Capital One site. The emails themselves are often reminders to make a payment or that the account is past due.
I've called them numerous times to try to resolve the issue and they have never had a meaningful response. I've also reached out on twitter and emailed their fraud division. No response.
Recently, I discovered that I if I click on the link within one of the emails regarding repaying this account it takes me to a form. The form can be used to fill out payment info (e.g. credit card/bank account) to pay the account and it has a pre-filled phone number.
Now for the interesting part. I was telling my brother about this and he said the exact same thing was happening to him. He said he'd called and everything, and that he still continues to get the emails. Has anyone else had this happen?
Why is this happening? Could it be users that are changing their emails to other user accounts in the hopes that someone might accidently pay their account on accident?
Submitted February 26, 2017 at 08:21AM by danielecook http://ift.tt/2mz4HAB