So I am 20 years old, and this was my first time buying a car. I got $1200 back from my tax returns, so I combined that with the 700 I had in savings and decided to begin searching for a car. I went on Craigslist and found a 1999 Nissan Maxima for $1650. The description said it was a good running car that they never had any problems with. I thought it sounded good, and a couple of my older friends thought so as well.
So I contacted the seller, asked him a few questions about the car, and decided to meet with him. At first we had planned to meet at his home, but then he changed his mind and had me meet him at a gas station. I ended up meeting him by myself (the friend who had drove me there ended up ditching me) and he was an older guy in his 30s or 40s. I knew right away that he was probably going to try to take advantage of me, which did end up happening. He showed me the car, had me test drive it, etc. I didn't see any major problems with it.
He was being extremely pushy, and I honestly had no clue how I was getting home if I didn't buy the car. (I was in downtown houston about an hour away from home). So I thought about it, and agreed to it. He handed me the title and the key, took my money, and left.
As I was driving home, I noticed that the odometer had a different number on it than what he had told me. He told me it had 162k miles on it, but the odometer read 245k. From that point I knew I had made a bad decision. Later on, I discovered that he didn't sign the title over. I also realized that he didn't give me a bill of sale. I called him and told him he needs to meet me somewhere asap because I literally can't do anything with this car until he signs the title over and gives me a bill of sale. He said he'll meet me tomorrow, but I doubt it'll happen and I honestly just want my money back.
I keep trying to not call myself stupid but I know this was a very stupid move. I should've noticed the signs and not given into it so easily. It was a lesson learned, but what am I supposed to do now? There's absolutely nothing that proves I bought this car. Is there a way to get my money back or did I just throw away $1600??
tldr; made a stupid move and bought a car without getting a bill of sale or the title signed over by the seller. Stuck with a car I can't do anything with, what's my next move? Is there a way to get my money back?
Submitted February 05, 2017 at 12:43PM by uniqueartist97