Hi all, My wife and I have two growing kids (one eats like a bird, the other one eats us out of the house). As you can imagine we have to sometimes appease them with lunchables, fruit snacks, eggo waffles, etc.
Ontop of this, everyday expenses have become more and more expensive. My wife is on a keto diet which we're not sure yet is adding to or reducing our food bill. I tend to eat like a bird as well but still would like to enjoy a meal.
Our food bill each month is probably $400-600...that's a sizeable amount of money with just me working. My wife stays at home with the kids, but it's hard for her to cart them around to stores, which again, leads to having to buy "entertainment snacks" and other odds and ends, or McDonalds.
A guy I work with has a family of 5 and says he spends roughly 150$ a month in food, and 100 in the summer when his crops are up. What are some ways we can start to save and be frugal with eating, while maintaining my wife's diet (which is very import for her to see through)?
January 23, 2017 at 11:29AM