she went into debt to send money to her family overseas and at the same time developed a gambling habit for the quick money and general addictive behavior. also shitty friends encouraging the use of cash advance, which ive banned from coming to the house when im there or me attending them at all.
the problematic cards are in her name, she is a cosigner to the household checking and we are both named on the car note, thats as far as comingling of finances goes. its all caught up to her and now shes overdrawn and has 0 cash beyond whats in her wallet until the next pay day.
some of the cards are still promo transfer rates but they have partial balances that are cash advance at 20 or 30%
we're married but i dont claim this debt, it wasnt used for our best interests, it wasnt even discussed with me. her supporting her dumb ass family has always been a point of contention.... she funneled part of her salary to help pay a business loan and the sibling finally got paid up and saved a chunk of money, then proceeded to get scammed (apparently) chasing a too good to be true deal, and lost every cent so their back to zero. im not even sure if i won't go talk to a divorce lawyer for a consult at least.
balance is 50,000 ish, partially at 20-30 apr. not all cards were balance transfer promos.
she mentioned bankruptcy, which i dont know how that could hurt my credit given the car and account cosigning. im ok with her ruining her credit if it erases the debt but im sure it will cost a lawyers time. as spouse what would my exposure be? shes only on the checking account and quite honestly never deposited anything into it in several years, even then not any memorable or significant amount.
i can throw the emergency fund at it or match the payments to at least have some easy cash while payong down the balance. but i am more and more curious about the bankruptcy option.
Submitted May 08, 2024 at 10:12PM by AdditionalSink164