I am 26, have no degree, and have 86k in CC debt from 6 cards (Amex, 3 Chase, Barclays, Wells Fargo). I have not been able to pay and all of my cards are closed with 30+ late payments. My credit is in the low 400's. I have had 1 chase checking and 1 Wells Fargo checking also closed by the bank for being too withdrawn over 60 days, Maybe 3k with that debt to bring my total to 89k.
Recently one of the credit cards won a judgement against me for 15k (I did not respond to the initial summons). None of the other cards have sued me yet.
How I got here..
In 2019 I opened a couple businesses and then got swindled by business partners who I thought would pay me back 150k. I spent money I thought was coming back to me. They were all different LLCs and I could not afford to sue, nor did the businesses last through covid. 50k of the debt was from the business expenses I expected to be reimbursed. Since 2019 I have had terrible luck with work.
My situation..
I live with wealthy friends for free though I pay with babysitting, assistant, cleaning services for room/board/ occasional car privileges/ food. I do not have a car, do not have living parents, do not have any assets. I am a US Citizen.
I recently got a job and make 5500/month as a 1099. I live in Los Angeles and have a lot of expenses to get to work etc. I never have enough money at the end of the month. Let alone the taxes at the end of the year I will have due.
My peers consider me intelligent. I don't think anyone who knows me would ever think I would be in this position.
I think bankruptcy is my only option. I am so lost, the numbers cripple me. Everything has been closed by the bank or card company. I'm a guy, I have ruined my own life and future.
Submitted March 17, 2024 at 11:17PM by insanedebt https://ift.tt/PbqAhwG