How should I invest my $30k? Read text for details
I am a 19 year old female in my second year of college. I’ve always been really good with my money and saving because my parents have always struggled with it. I am living at home and work two jobs on top of college. I don’t have student loans right now and I am going to college for free this year (2022-2023) due to need based and my grades. I don’t know how much financial aid I will qualify for next year, but I have a separate smaller college savings that should be enough for my last two years. I have 30k sitting in my savings, and I know that keeping it there isn’t a good idea because inflation will decrease the value. I know I need to invest it somehow, but don’t understand much about finances. Should I invest in s&p 500? Roth IRA? Real estate? Some in each? Can anyone recommend a good investing plan for me to grow my wealth? I currently have no monthly expenses besides car insurance.
Submitted January 16, 2023 at 03:17AM by Status-Bee7171