As the title says, I got rear ended and the other driver does not have insurance.
This happened on the freeway, we both exited and pulled off to the nearest curb. We were both calm, and we exchanged information with one another. The thing is, the other driver explained how they do not have insurance because they are switching it over to their name after the passing of their mother. They told me they would pay for the damages. This is in CA
My questions are:
Should I go through with my insurance regardless of what they are promising? I have uninsured driver coverage.
What happens to the other driver if I report it to my insurance?
Will my rates go up even if I’m not at fault?
Thank you all.
Edit: Thanks again everyone for the quick and informative responses. I’m very inexperienced when it comes to situations like these, so the extra advice helps. I will file this claim ASAP
Submitted February 19, 2022 at 01:13AM by mrbigstuff415