Hi there, hope you are doing good. I didn’t come from a rich family. I have always worked hard to save as much money as possible. I’m 27 this year and I have a stable job. I have commitments such as car and study loans, and providing allowance to my parents. I’m not really a big spender myself as I am good with normal clothes and food. I have always wanted a gaming laptop and the laptop costs around $1500. I know that consoles or desktops are cheaper, the reason Im targeting on gaming laptops is because I have to travel often and I love the portability of laptop.My current laptop is 7 years old and still working fine but not for gaming. I really enjoy gaming but with my current laptop, I can only game by setting it to lowest settings and lowest resolution which is really horrible. I have saved enough money to purchase it but there’s something holding me back. I feel like it’s just a waste of money as I could have use the money for something else such as paying a portion of my loans, giving it to my parents or maybe it could be a back up funds just in case anything might happen in the future. There is a sense of guilt by making big purchases. I’m ok to spend money on my family and friends such as buying them food and gifts but when it comes to spending on myself, I tend to question myself if I deserve this. Appreciate your advice on this. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Cheers 😊
Submitted December 21, 2021 at 05:52AM by Miesnino https://ift.tt/3EezoCv