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I was solicited by someone I went to high school with for an "opportunity" to make a ton of money and grow a team at a branch of Primerica, where your wildest dreams come true. Or so they thought, because this was not the first, nor the second, but the third time someone has tried luring me into this company. Unlucky me, there are two branches near me.

The first time (2014), I didn't know any better. I got dressed up (way too dressed up) for this meeting (seance) , interview (ritual), or whatever you want to call it. And the vibes I got made me sick to my stomach. I was sat in the front row with a couple other recruits (sacrifices) and we went over a quick slideshow of who they are and what they do and it seemed off to me. I raised my hand and mentioned that it sounded like an MLM and I could tell this annoyed the guy, who proceeded to tell me why they aren't, things which all sounded like technicalities, and that questions will be answered toward the end of the meeting. After that things got weird. The group of people behind us would chant and repeat things the guy would say. Then someone got promoted and it was all made to look very promising, but it was painfully obvious what was going on. It literally felt like a cult.

Being a server for 4 years in high school, I learned to spot a fake smile when I saw one, and every single person I talked to at the end of this meeting wore the same half cocked grin and fed me stories of the great time they were having working with Primerica and how they have their team and barely have to do any work. Then I was handed a paper and was asked to write 50 contacts down. They pressured me to fill out as much as I could before I left and I said I'd like to attend another meeting before I start putting anything on paper for anyone else I know. This really seemed to annoy them and then I was told there would be a $150 dollar fee to take the classes or whatever. I then laughed at the guy and walked out while my (at the time) friend and her boyfriend chased me out and scolded me for embarrassing them.

The second time I ignored it.

But this last time, this last time a guy I went to school with, who I've only ever seen post videos of girls twerking and some other really crude stuff on Facebook messages me after I make some post about the 14 hour day I had just worked. The conversation was pretty normal; same old, same old. But then the tone completely changed and he started telling me about this opportunity meeting and how I can make money working with him. Red flags everywhere. Defcon 2. Fight or flight. Screams in the distance. I tell him if this is some Primerica bullshit that I'm not interested. To which he confirms and asks why I resent his beloved company so much. I chew him out and he tries to change my outlook by spouting the same script I heard years ago. He gets really upset by my response and tries to reassure me once more how great the opportunity is. I tell him to fuck off and to have fun burning every bridge he's built in the last 10 years, then point him in the direction of 6 other people who were once optimistic and bright eyed towards Primerica and the shady people that work there. He blocks me.

I just want some reassurance that I'm not the only person who can see through the glass houses and plastic people associated with this group.

Submitted June 01, 2017 at 09:30PM by Aguyontheinterwebs http://ift.tt/2rwN0Y5

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