Sorry if this is confusing, as this whole situation has me confused as well. The past month has been review time for my company. This is coinciding with a starting pay increase for my position so we were told that new hires would start $.75 higher and we could expect "at least $.75" based proformance at review time.
Before all this my boss had told me I'd probably get $1.00 pay increase based on performance. I also know this was told to some others in my department. This is around the same time that we had heard (rumors) that other departments had already received pay increases of around a dollar. This was before the $.75 pay increase went into effect, so some of us were lead to believe that we would receive $1.00 + $.75 raise.
On my "review" with my supervisor (not my boss, but my off shift supervisor) he just read comments from my boss and the GM (boss's boss), which was fine, stuff I need to work on blah blah blah... But when informed of pay, I was told my new wage which is $1.25 more per hour. I tried to bring this up, that I was under the impression that there was more basses on things my boss had told me but my supervisor tells me that this is the information he's been given, none of this is in his control, and that if I want I can bring it up with my boss after he's back from vacation (very convenient he's on vacation).
Next day my supervisor calls me to his desk to read an email from the GM saying that there will be a meeting with me and my boss and that we would clear up anything about the pay increase, as soon as he's back from vacation.
So when he's back the meeting was just him walking by and saying "Your new pay rate is [same thing I was told before ie $1.25)" to which I did agree and thanked him and all and I didn't push the subject.
This week the new wages go in effect and I noticed that my pay rate is a whole $2.25 more than before. Should I ask about? Could they take this away from me if it's a mistake? How should I go about getting more information? There's a chance I miss heard my boss when he spoke to me, but he spoke only of my final pay rate, and I know he didn't tell me what the portal shows that I make. Perhaps also he told me incorrectly.
TLDR: was told different amounts for a raise, actually received a lot more than they said. Should I ask or just stay quiet?
Submitted July 16, 2021 at 04:33AM by umphreakinbelievable