I am currently 31 and I guess I am in an okay situation. I have a full time job working hourly as a service desk employee for remote bank employees and finishing up my second degree ( Well okay I will have a bachelors and an associates so I guess a degree and a lite degree) with no debt. Everything I have besides my apartment, I outright own and I only have one credit card that I purposely pay over to maintain a negative balance.
A lot of people have pointed out I have to much money in saving and that I need to do something with it. Problem is, I have no idea what to do with it. I don't really want a home since I can't afford it outright nor would I know how to take care of it (Though it would be nice not to hear my upstairs neighbors snore all night). I don't really trust putting it into the stock market because that just feels like going to casino and betting on slot machines and I am terrible at making those kind of choices even when I look into stuff. Other people have said invest in digital currency and that also feels like a gamble. So I am kind of stuck.
So far my currently plans for life are finish this associates try to move up to tier 2 and then just work as hard as I can. I don't plan on taking any kind of vacation in the next 20 or 30 years, I don't plan on marrying, and the only some what big purchases I am thinking of making is when my car finally dies and it costs more to repair than it is work and keeping my keeping my teeth looking some what nice.
Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:59AM by computershateme77 https://ift.tt/3g0klnp