My 16 year old son just got a job and earned $200 over the course of the weekend (3 shifts). He is a spendy kid and I’ve tried my best to teach him to save money and not be wasteful. Today he asks my to buy this $130 huge ass gummy worn off of Amazon for him and he will pay me back with the money he earned. (It was actually $130. Believe me, I checked and couldn’t believe my eyes. Twenty something pounds of gummy snake. ) I can’t wrap my head around how my kid could me so clueless about money and frankly wasteful. I’m torn between letting him waste his money so he can learn disappointment or hopefully some lesson about the value of things. Or just telling him flat out “no” because it is ridiculous. I tried talking to him and understanding why he wants this and all I get is “it’s cool and I like gummy things.” I just want to laugh at myself for being such a frugal person all my life and then having to deal with this situation. I’m going to try to convince to spend his money on something worthwhile or just save it. Any advice how to get through to a hard headed kid?
April 13, 2021 at 12:25AM