My parents have provided a cushioned life for me since I graduated high school. Rent only being $50 a week when I got out, now $75 a week. When I was in school I was the kid who it all came natural to so studying never became a habit for me and I paid for it in my later years in HS. So I messed up my grades and didn't end up going to college.
Now I'm working a $9.50 job that brings in about $1,200 a month. Rent + gas money for my ride to work takes out $340 of that. My grocery costs are $200-$250 a month. I don't have any debt thankfully and no car payment yet. I plan on getting a car soon and using it to do food delivery on my days off to bolster up my monthly income until I really decide what I want to do.
The problem is after I get my car I don't really know where to go with my life. I don't have any savings and I feel like when I eventually have to move out and I don't find a better job, I'm going to struggle a lot.
Submitted March 06, 2021 at 02:26AM by throwaway3290234