Ceragon Networks Ltd (Ceragon) is a wireless hauling specialist. They help operators and other service providers worldwide increase operational efficiency and enhance end customers’ quality of experience with innovative wireless backhaul and fronthaul solutions. Their customers include wireless service providers, public safety organizations, government agencies and utility companies. Ceragon deliver 5G & 4G, mission-critical multimedia services and other applications at high reliability and speed.
Website: https://www.ceragon.com/
4 Key Catalyst of the market price spike:
Ark invest increased their shareholdings of CRNT through their IZRL ETF.
Jim Cramer recommended this is the time to buy 5G stocks.
Deadnsyde recommended this company, his due diligence is very thorough. He is a very clever when looking into company prospects.
Caragon are accelerating their 5G technology roll outs.
Backtracking to Q3 2020, According to the CRNT. The company has 3 pointers addressing that quarter's financial results:
Strong revenues, high gross margin and lower operating expenses generated $1.6 million in GAAP net profit despite COVID-19 constraints, as Ceragon benefited from ISP and 4G operator projects to increase network reach, capacity and speed
COVID-19-related uncertainty continued to impact Ceragon’s performance, especially in Latin America
Continued progress in multiple large operator 5G network processes, moving from design wins to proof of concepts and purchase orders with initial low-volume shipments, in preparation for potential highvolume orders in second half of 2021
Q3 2020 CRNT Financial Results: https://www.ceragon.com/hubfs/CRNT_Q3_2020_Earnings_Final.pdf
Other researched Materials:
Q3 Financial review: https://www.ceragon.com/hubfs/CRNT_Q3_2020_Financial_Metrics.pdf
Past Webcasts: https://www.ceragon.com/investors/webcasts
SEO trend: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%207-d&q=ceragon
CRNT SEC annual report: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1119769/000117891320000976/zk2024166.htm
(I picked this news after market closing on 16 Jan 2021 on Saturday. I spent the weekend research it and I believe CRNT has positioned themselves very strategically for a small company and will be able to compete well with their network and 5G plans ahead for the long term. I believe this company do well in 2021. I have not picked up any shares yet. It's on my watchlist)
Submitted January 19, 2021 at 01:12AM by Mastercheeee https://ift.tt/3p1vKoL