I (19f) previously worked at a nonprofit organization dealing with wildlife and aquatic animals. I reported stalking and harassment from a coworker, and death threats from his wife, to my boss who questioned the perpetrator. My coworker denied it and my boss sided with him. The situation at work escalated and my coworker began lying and spreading inappropriate rumors and accusations towards me, while I tried my best to do my job and stay out of it. My boss still took his side over mine. This coworker then claimed I was using drugs on the clock and my boss decided to fire me for that reason on November 6th of this year. I received my denial of benefits today after my previous employer claimed I was terminated for misconduct.
None of this is true at all. When he claimed it was for drugs, I requested a test which he denied, going against the company policy, and told me "he was going to let me go anyway." I immediately went and got tested just an hour or so after I was fired. Everything negative, as expected. I did not show my previous employer, as I was worried he would change my termination reason. I was also never given any termination papers. I was extremely good about not letting the drama get in the way of my work. I was never late and only called out once when I was in the ER with internal bleeding. One time, however, I was using my phone for personal reasons (My coworker told me that my harasser was asking for my car make, model, and licensed plate number, so I was responding) and my boss asked me to put it away, which I obliged. This is the only instance I had been using my phone and there is nothing in policy or that I signed against this. I found the situation heavily ironic since my harasser would walk around the building playing Pokémon go for hours and actually skipped two weeks of work with no call in, but I digress.
My previous employer told me I was a phenomenal employee and that I went absolutely above and beyond in my work, but it didn't matter. My harasser was in the marketing team and was the one who brought in donations and income. Almost all of my coworkers knew what was going on between the harasser and I, and from what I hear, they are not happy with how the situation ended.
Do I have grounds to appeal? Some of my coworkers have offered to give testaments and I have the paperwork for the drug testing. Idaho is an at-will state, but they also put burden of proof on the employer. I'm not sure how to proceed, as I'm unsure if I have adequate evidence. My boss is currently having an affair with one of the managers, and I'm afraid that she and my boss will continue being dishonest and fabricate something. I also no longer have most of the harassment evidence as my coworker threatened to kill himself or I if I didn't delete it. Unfortunately I am naïve, young and was terrified and did.
I've made a lot of mistakes and desperately need help. Thank you
EDIT: I have spoken to a few attorneys and have been denied each time. I was told there isn't enough adequate evidence for a case
Submitted December 07, 2020 at 06:07PM by Ilizazoxo https://ift.tt/3lWpL2d