HCOL area, San Francisco. Safeway. No Walmart or Aldi's nearby. Food can last me 2 weeks. Maybe a little longer. Tried to cut back on processed foods, buying cheaper produce. This is mostly meant for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, late night. I cook dinner occasionally.
Prices are after Card Savings and App Savings
Apple Juice $3.50
Frosted Flakes (Family Size) $3.99
Arizona Green Tea 12 Pack $5.32
Lacroix 12 Pack $3.99
Kraft Shredded Cheese $2.49
Cheese sticks Pack $2.99
Milk $3.99
Chobani 4 Pack $2.99
2x Sandwich Meat $7
Celery $2.99
Mini Carrots $3.99
Grapes 1.25 lbs $5.03 *too expensive even with discount.
Strawberries 2 lbs $4.88
Lettuce Box $5
Roma Tomatoes .7 lbs $2.09
Tostitos Salsa $3
Peanut Butter $1.99
2x Prego Tomato Sauce $3.25
3x Campbell Soup $2.97
Mission Tortilla Chips (Fiesta Size) $3.50
Pasta $1.89
Orange Juice $3.99
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream $3.34
2x Sourdough Bread $3.58
Hostess Donuts $2
4x NY Strip Steak $21.10 *great deal
Banana 3.8 lbs $2.47
Granny Smith Apples 2.11 lbs $2.70
Clementime 3lb $2.99
Total: $119.01
January 27, 2020 at 06:32PM