Gift first:
As nice as weddings can be it can be stressful as they can be really expensive. I went to a wedding this last weekend and tried to find a compromise between bringing a gift that would be nice without having much money to put towards it. I went to a local thrift store and bought a beer glass (50¢) wine glass (75¢) a beat up cutting board (2$) and a nice basket (1$) and gold tissue paper (50¢).
I painted the glasses up as tux and wedding dress with acrylic paint. For the cutting board I sanded it down to get rid of any abrasions or signs of wear and used a free font generator online to find a font I liked and wood burned on their names and wedding date using an old 7$ wood burner I've had a while. I then re-stained the cutting board with food grade oil and put everything in the basket with the tissue paper. The couple expressed really liking the personalized gift and it only 5 bucks and an afternoon to put together.
I know this requires to have a few things already at home like the paint and wood burner and oil (which I have for my own wood cutting boards when they need to be redone) but even those were less than $15 together and are multiple use items. Anyway this ended up working really well for me and wanted to toss it out there in case it's a good option for others on a budget.
September 27, 2019 at 07:04PM