Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to check out my post and lending any tips in advanced! Photos of what I am working with are posted at the bottom.I’ve taken a closet that was filled with junk and cleaned it out in order to set up my computer in there in order to save some space in my room as well as give myself a larger desktop for my things. As I’ve gotten into this am split on how I want to proceed.So far I’ve cut some 2x4s to size and wedged them in place to get a feel for things before screwing them into the studs with some 3 1/2 #10 wood screws. I plan on adding some angle brackets to reinforce as well.My main questions are:A: What is the best plywood or other material to use for the surface ? ( MDF, plywood , 1x4’)B: Is it required to have a support coming across the front or middle for support to prevent sagging ? Overall length of the desk is 58 inches and some change. I only plan on placing a monitor and computer tower on it ( although I may just opt to mount my monitor to the stud ).C: On the left and right walls there is only one stud to screw into so would I have to screw into the angles of the wall ? I was told there is usually wood in the corners of closets but some times builders cheap out and don’t put them there.Thanks again for any help you guys can give me!WIP via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2IkKZF7