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I'm still trying to figure out all the details here, and where I fucked up but here's what happened. I had fallen in default on my student loans and was finally in a position to start making payments to get my credit back on track. March 29 of this year I called my provider (Nelnet) to work out a repayment option. IIRC they told me that since my loan was in default, they needed to transfer me to someone else. I believe that they transferred me to a company called the student processing center. There I had a lengthy conversation with A CSR about my options. He originally wanted me to pay $1400 to pull my loan out of default and back into good standing. I "negotiated" to split that into payments over 3 months. He had me fill out a form and attach a Picture of my debit card and driver's license to it to set up the payment. The first payment was made the same day ($500). The next day I started getting some unauthorized charges from food delivery companies in Jamaica. I called my bank, disputed the charges and cancelled my card. I've received my new card and also got my money back from the disputes. After I got my new card I called the number I had been talking to again to update my payment information and went through the same process of attaching pictures to their document and another $500 payment was processed Now just a few days later I'm getting more unauthorized charges from the same Jamaican food delivery services. That's when the light bulb started to flicker. So I started doing more research into who I was paying and what a loan scam was.

So far I'm out $1000 and I don't really know what to do or how to proceed. While not the end of the world if that money is gone, it would be cool to have back. What's my best chance at getting a refund? What's the proper way to cancel any additional payments from these people considering I signed a contract? Basically, what's my next step?

Information I know: The charge that I thought was my student loan is going to Orton documents LLC. http://ortondocs.com/loan-forgiveness-program/ I've been receiving payment notifications from student processing centers llc http://www.stuprocessingcenter.com

I will be calling the bank in the morning to cancel the card and dispute the food delivery charges again.

If you made it this far, thank you. I'm still trying to figure out how I would be so stupid and how I ended up on the line with these people in the first place when I called Nelnet.

I'll be going to bed (stare at the ceiling trying to wonder how this happened some more) but will check ant responses and try and respond first thing in the morning.

Submitted May 08, 2019 at 12:32AM by Gahfuq http://bit.ly/2LIOF8T

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