General Information: I make about 42K before taxes. I have a full time job and this year I worked a lot of overtime. I decided to get serious about saving about 2 years ago. I started small with a goal of getting out of living paycheck to paycheck.
I'm out from under paycheck to paycheck now and my living expenses are relatively low. Aside from my savings I'm usually floating 500-1100 in my primary checking every month. I have a third account that I made for "Fun money" that I contribute 50 dollars to every 2 weeks. Even that is about to hit 2k since I haven't had much time for "fun stuff".
I also have an outside checking account that I considered my Absolute emergency money with about 600 dollars in it. All of my accounts have auto deposits so when I get paid that money automatically is out of my main checking.
So I guess I'm curious - Should I be putting some of that savings elsewhere? Are there better ways that I can create a grander nest egg for the future? I already contribute to a 401K via my employer, but it's not that fantastic in terms of matching.
I'm 28 and completely clueless about stocks, bonds, or other investments.
Submitted February 08, 2019 at 08:20AM by OrdinaryBoar