Hi Reddit,
So I'm 19 years old and have a pretty good job in a country wide supermarkt. I make about € 1200,- per month and I Will need tot buy a car within 6 months for a new job / school. (From the summer I Will be making €1400,- per month)
Should I save this money on My banking account, as I am doing right now?
Should I invest? And if so, some or all of this money? I live in the Netherlands, where should I start?
Should I buy a cheap car (1 to 2k) or should I invest in a good car which might return the money in maintenence and fuel?
I'm sorry for formatting I'm on mobile.
I hope you can give me soms help with this. Thanks!
Submitted January 10, 2019 at 08:47AM by siebe_b http://bit.ly/2TGs5g2