Litte about me: i'v been living with my mom for the last bit while i worked and i quite enjoy my job. im at the point now where i want to live on my own and have no rules/ HAVE a girlfriend. I am looking for Bachelor/ 1 bedroom aprtments NOT shared. i dont want to live with anyone else but myself.
i Currently make $15/hr so i have about $2400 (net) 2200 (gross) in a month. i'm guessing i should spend about 720 or so on rent. only question is. " i have no idea on what else to expect in my budget". i'm huge into gaming and therefore need a decent amount of money for internet.
so all my bills in total are: Rent:$550 (at the moment) will change when/if i should move)
Phone:$100(freedom mobile phone plan, 25+ on top of 50 for just the plan)
Spotify: $10
Snowboard: $45/month(till paid off)
Current transit to get to work $128 (i want to move much closer to work so i can cut this cost down, as i live an hour away)
the rest of my money is "free" or whatever i want to spend it on atm.
i do have debt inc. the phone bill MyTab boost i'm in about 3k of debt. obviously my first move is to pay this off and not buy new things and save up atleast 2 grand before moving out. which puts me at about a spring move.
what i want to know is, am i financially able to live on my own with 700 rent? most places around here for bachelor/1 bedrooms are between $600-800.
Must: be able to live on my own (not shared living spaces) antisocial as fuck.
Submitted November 28, 2018 at 08:33AM by sahanaru