The space I'm working with is roughly 18'x25' and the height variation of the floor is something like 8". There are tons of huge cracks and some second of the floor sit at angles to each other. I currently have a box of 2x4 and 1x4 offcuts I use as shims under shelving. This is the only pictureI can find of the floor not covered in rugs--it makes it look a LOT better than it really is.Pouring a new floor isn't really feasible logistically (I think?) or financially (probably?). So far what I've come up with is installing a ledger board around the perimeter of the room and basically building a deck inside. Is that... a thing? I'm handy and great at googling but I have zero experience in this area.Any ideas? It's not residential so I don't care so much about insulation, and it doesn't have to last for decades. It just has to be flat. I'm hoping to keep the budget around $500 (not including the top flooring surface) but I can be flexible. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2AjrXw0