TLDR at bottom, long post.
I need to move out. Tried living at home first semester while my parents paid for everything but I can’t do it. Every decision I make is scrutinized and reviewed by them. They repeatedly threaten to stop paying tuition just because I don’t do exactly what they want, or would have done in that exact situation. For instance:
“oh you probably shouldn’t go out so late on a Friday night. Who are you going to see anyways?”
“I’m just hanging out with some friends.”
“Who are they”
“Just some friends of mine why”
“Will there be alcohol there”
“I don’t know”
“We raised you better than to be doing that crap.”
“What the heck I don’t even know if anyone is going to drink we’re just hanging out.”
“Keep talking to me that way and being disrespectful and me and your mother will stop paying for your college and your car.”
And for this reason I just have to call their bluff. I realize not having debt when you come out of college is a huge deal, but especially with my major (physical therapy) I don’t anticipate money being too short to the point I can’t pay a couple hundred a month back towards a loan. Along with the other reasons they track my location, tell me I am “forbidden” from doing things even if it is not in their house such as drinking, smoking, or sex. Not that I would do it in their house but I feel patronized by the fact they feel the need to control me like this. Right now I’m my parents bitch (sorry to put it so blunt but it’s true) since they know all they have to do is threaten to pull tuition and I’ll do whatever they want. I am a legal adult now and I don’t appreciate being manipulated like this so I am making the decision to move out even if it means I need loans, two jobs, and I have to take the bus everywhere. These are the personal finance questions I need help with:
1) How long does a Stafford loan take from applying to receiving funds? I don’t think I’ll be able to get a private loan since I seriously doubt after moving out my parents would be open to co-sign. Also I do not have a credit history.
2) Are there any other ways to get a loan for college that are not a scam or trap? I have heard of certain third party institutions/companies that say you can take out up to 10k a year for school and only have to pay back 40 a month. I assume these are a pitfall and have high interest. Are there any of these that aren’t and might be worth looking into?
3) Back to the stafford loan, if I am living on my own am I able to claim as an independent? The cap for claiming as an independent is substantially higher on the government website, 9,500 if I remember correctly.
4) What is a good beginning credit card to start building credit?
5) Right now I have a joint account with my mother because when she created it I was not a legal adult so she had to be added on the account. I am a legal adult in my state now, is there any way to make that account to only in my name? I assume it would need her signature but maybe not since it was made under my name but just with my mother as custodian, does that mean now that I’m an adult I can request to not have a custodian and it be a regular account?
I know this is a lot but thank you for the helpful souls that answer this, you are really, REALLY helping me out.
To anyone who is going to tell me I should just suck it up and live with them since I am getting tuition plus a car out of it: please don’t. I I already have mental heath issues and the last thing I need is to be in a toxic environment where my parents are using my financial dependence on them as a means of manipulating me to do whatever they want.
Edit: apparently my dad has now taken my ps4 that I paid for out of my room because he thought I was being distracted by it.
Basically I just need you to answer the numbered list in the middle of this ridiculously long post.
Submitted September 24, 2018 at 07:30PM by nicksabanscokebottle